December 31, 2005

2006? *Sigh*

In just a day, we'll be welcoming the new year. Believe it or not, I'm really sad that the year's coming to an end, and that a new one's approaching fast. I guess it's because I'm turning 26 soon. And that really depresses me. I'm getting older, and yet, I have not accomplished anything. All in all, I think it was just a waste of a year.

Year 2005 has been a bad year for me, in many ways. Lest I bore you with the details, let's just say that I've done some pretty crazy things which I fully regret. I have never cried as much. It's been an emotional turmoil for me day after day, week after week, month after month. Suffice to say, I'm really tired. Lookit me. I've aged! :(

Perhaps 2006 may not hold such bad things for me. Yet, I'm not ready to have such hopes in fear of getting hurt and disappointed again. For the first time, I do not have any new year's resolutions. I'm just taking it a small step at a time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

So here's to 2006. May you not suck like 2005.

December 29, 2005

What Honour Is This?

It sickened me to read this:

Pakistani Killed Daughters to Save ‘Honor’

When will the world learn to stop treating their women as worthless chattels? What honour is there in killing your own flesh and blood? Do you wonder what went through the daughters’ minds when their father put his hand over their mouths and slit their throat with a machete? I wonder what went on the father’s mind. Or the mother’s. How blinded with rage was the father to descend to such a bestial nature.

My heart wept silently for the mother who had to witness her “honourable” husband slaughter her little girls in cold blood. May they rest in peace.


Today’s one those days when I just don’t feel like doing anything. Absolutely no mood to work. I’ve been staring at the monitor for ages, staring at the multi-coloured lines of my simulation results … and I still had no idea what I was looking at. Argh. Guess I broke the “no blogging in the workplace” rule for today (blogging during lunch break and/or after office hours do not count).

It’s going to be a long afternoon *yawn*.

December 25, 2005

Somewhere Out There

Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight
Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there

And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there if love can see us through
Then we'll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true

Our Song

December 24, 2005

'Twas The Night Before Christmas

Merry Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
And Mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.

When out on the roof there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutter, and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
gave the lustre of midday to objects below,
when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came,
and he whistled and shouted and called them by name:

"Now Dasher! Now Dancer!
Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid!
On, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch!
To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky
so up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
with the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head and was turning around,
down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes--how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
and filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

- Clement Clarke Moore

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, y'all!

December 23, 2005

The Double-Edged Sword

Being an avid blog reader that I am (read - bloody kaypo), I frequently visit random blogs, and even blogroll them if they are interesting. I'm not ashamed to say that I do bookmark particularly notorious, controversial Malaysian and Singaporean blogs (I shall not link to them as they are already receiving as much publicity as they can get, but if you're another kaypo like me, you'll know who I'm talking about) and enjoy being a silent reader. Very seldom do I leave my mark on these sites, unless they really irk me.

Yet, as much as I enjoy visiting these sites, and waiting to see what these people are going to say next (I have to admit, six feet under all the expletives, these people do state some interesting points), I do wonder, what's the threshold of tolerance of one's words on the Internet? We are all accountable to what we say to the public, whether it's done verbally, or in writing because the words from our mouths AFFECT people, in ways small and large.

"Why play by the book?” you ask. "Can't we all just say what we think is true? Hey, it's my mouth, and I can say whatever I wish! Freedom of speech, y'all!" As much as we can deny it, or play it down, when freedom of speech is over-exercised, it can trigger a chain of events that may blow out of proportion.

Recently, a famous blogger commented on the politically incorrect words used for an upcoming holiday season. The person happened to touch on religion, which triggered a mixture of response in the blogosphere. This person's intention was not to attack any religion, rather, to poke fun at the exaggerated use of PC (politically correct) terms in the US. Unfortunately, the post brought about a lot of negativity in the readers, especially since certain religious terms were used. This caused a stir amongst a lot of people of different races. They appealed to the blogger to remove a certain controversial picture from the site, but the blogger remained adamant that he only stated what he believed in. This, of course, sparked an outrage amongst the readers, especially the ones of a certain race.

After reading the heated debate from commenters regarding that post, I can't help but wonder (and worry) about the repercussions of such an article. One may think that this is such a trivial matter now, but what happens if the mere discussion escalates to what could ultimately become a hate crime?

We have learnt from young, that religion is a touchy subject to discuss amongst people of different races and different beliefs, unless it is necessary. Even then, we have to choose our words carefully. It is difficult to maintain an open mind and heart when the debate escalates without the feeling of wanting to smack the other person and saying, "you don't know what you're talking about". At the end of the discussion, what is left is more of than not, an awkward silence. I am not saying that it is something that we should sweep under the carpet. We live in a multi-cultural society, which makes us unique. Harmony amongst the different races is essential to maintain the peace in our country. Embrace the difference and practise a little tact in our words.

Standing our ground with our words is one thing. Causing discord with our words which may lead to unwanted consequences is quite another. This may seem rather far-fetched to one, I know, but if my words could ultimately lead to the misfortune of others, I would rather shut up and keep them to myself. Call me a coward if you will, but I would rather treasure life than to fight for a cause which results in the mishap of others. A cause or a belief worth fighting for is one that cherishes life, not one that scorns it.

Having said all that, it does not mean that we are to be hermits, hiding under our comfortable little shells, and let the world step all over us. A little discernment and discretion go a long way. Words out of the mouth (or, in this case, onto a public blog) cannot be retrieved. We are not computers, which can "undo" the actions we did, or the things we said. Taking words back, unfortunately, means nothing. The damage is done.

Wars began from the words of a person. The tongue is a double-edged sword. It can make you, but it can also break you.

"Daddy, What's Santa Doing To Mummy?!"

This has GOT to be the most hilarious Christmas song I have ever heard.

"I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom fast asleep
Then I saw Mummy tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Oh what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night"

Try explaining to your child what Mummy's doing to the old, hairy geezer in the tacky red and white suit.


PS: I'm not in a Christmas mood this year. Go away.

December 19, 2005

Still Here, By The Way

Realised I have not posted anything in a while. Still very much alive, just in case anyone thinks I've decided to crawl under the covers of my good ol' bed and not come out. It's just that nothing much has happened which I can talk about. Still, something's better than nothing, I guess.

Appearance-wise, I still look the same, other than gaining the odd pounds to compensate the lack of good food in Japan. I coloured my hair (AGAIN!) too, and it's now red. I told the hair stylist to give me a darker shade of red, but she managed a dark copper with gold highlights. Not my cuppa tea, as it is far too bright for my liking, but to salvage what hair I still have left from all the chemicals and heat work, I decided to leave it as it is. Oh, for the first time in years, I have a hint of bangs :)

A couple of Sundays ago, 'twas a movie marathon day for my friend and I. We watched
The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire. Yeps, two British kiddie movies in a day. The Chronicles of Narnia was okay, but it could have been better. It was rated G, which was perfect for the kiddies. I guess I'll start reading the book now ;) As for Harry Potter, I was surprised that it was rated G instead of PG13 as other countries have, because it is a much darker movie than the first three, and definitely NOT meant for children to watch. Amazing this was, I don't think that any part of the movie was censored for the kids' viewing pleasure (either that, or the censorship people's been doing a FANTASTIC job in lopping off scenes smoothly). All in all, I wouldn't rate it a 5-star movie, but I'll admit that the CGI was good, and that I'll definitely be waiting for the next one.

On a more materialistic note, I bought a new mobile phone. It's a
Panasonic VS7, and I got it at RM1000. Quite a good buy too, given that the market price is about RM1400. Again, the wonders of online shopping. The 2 mega-pixel camera would have done my photographs better justice, but with a CMOS lens, there's only so much I can squeeze out of the camera. It's also a lot bigger than other conventional phones available in the market, but I'm done with tiny screens (my current phone's screen's a whopping 2.5") and even tinier keypads. Mum's been eyeing the phone I bought too, since the numbers and text are huge. Better for her eyes, bless her.

On an even more materialistic note, our annual bonus is out. Did pretty okay this year, no complaints there. Still, there's going to be no spending on the money; they're all going into my travel/car/house fund. I transferred 80% of the bonus into an untouchable account as soon as the money was in. Talk about self-perseverance! ;)

December 01, 2005

My First Blood Test

I finally pulled myself together and had my very first blood test. I had never done it before, and the large needles just freaked the hell out of me. What about watching your own blood flowing out of you into a tube? Eeeuww, gross!

My heart thumped hard when I was about to have blood drawn out of me. I'm ashamed to say that I made a little fuss out of it too. I told the person who was about to draw blood out of me to do it quick, to not let me see the blood, etc. After the whole incident was over, I guess I was fretting over nothing. It definitely hurt a lot less than regular injections on the arm.

To sum it up - Drawing blood? Heck, it was a piece of piss! *grin*

Worst part? Waiting for the results. Fingers-crossed, I'm as healthy as a horse.

November 27, 2005

My First Swarovski

Every trip home, I made it a point to get something nice for myself. Sort of like a reward for 2 months of hard work, so to speak. I'd pick up perfume or cosmetics at Narita airport every time I leave.

This time, it was a
Swarovski crystal necklace. It even came with a certificate of authenticity. How cool was that?

My First Swarovski

Perhaps, in future, I'd be able to get myself a genuine diamond instead. None of 'em cereal-boxed ones, but a lovely >1 ct. piece.

Hmm ...

Home Sweet Home

Ladies and gentlemen,


I am so glad to be home, I almost kissed the ground when we landed in Penang. Well, almost.

I also had the pleasure of sitting next to an elderly Japanese gentleman who was also going to Penang. He has a Christian name (it's Edward), and is a Catholic. Oh, and he speaks better English than I do. He certainly made my journey from Japan to Penang very entertaining. Too bad he's old enough to be my grandfather *wink*.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have a shower and lie on my nice, queen-sized bed which I have missed for over two months (no more futon for me! Well, at least for a while anyway).

It's good to be home.

November 23, 2005


Site update: Thought I'd add a little ticker to show that I'm going home soon. Aww ... ain't it cute?

November 22, 2005

Four More Days, People!

I'm all for wanting my belongings safe and in one piece. But this is just too much.

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Courtesy of UNEASYsilence

Taking kiasu-ism to the max, people. Watch and learn.

November 21, 2005

Lemme Go!

It is now 8.53pm, and I'm still stuck in the bloody office. My trainer wouldn't let me leave. ARGH! Believe it or not, I'll be the third last person to leave to office.

Bloody tired. Bloody hungry. Not a good combination. I'm so going to hit the sack when I get back. To hell with dinner.

A Chance At Happiness

I came upon this article as I was reading The Star online a week ago.

Simple Case of Birds and Bees

The article was about the controversial, same-sex union between Jessie Chung and Joshua Beh. Chung underwent three major operations to become a woman, having known from young that she was a woman, trapped in a man's body.

The article irked me, as I think it was rather unfair to stereotype Malaysians to be narrow-minded twits who could not accept such an affair. Not all Malaysians think it was wrong. I think it is perfectly all right for these two people to be married to each other. Of course we hold firmly to our culture and eastern values. But who are we to condemn this couple if what they’re looking for is only a chance at happiness?

Can you imagine how it would be like, for a person to feel trapped in his/her own body, led by society as to how they are supposed to live their lives, condemned by the same society when he/she finally has the courage to come out of his/her shell? Who are we to say how these people should live? A genetic disorder, an extra X or Y chromosome that transforms us to what we are, but deep inside, we could never be “normal”. I simply cannot imagine what it is like, but it seems to be a perpetual prison one cannot escape.

Never underestimate the things people do for love. This couple is going to be condemned by our rigid society for life, because they chose simply to throw the rulebook out of the window. In the eyes of religion, they are not a valid married couple. Yet, in the eyes of each other, that is exactly what they are.

This article reminded me of an episode of CSI which I watched (Episode 100 – Ch-Ch-Changes). It portrayed a transsexual (previously male) who went through drastic measures just to be a woman. She fell in love with a man, who had no idea of her past. She even faked her period just to keep it real. She went through hours of therapy, because she was determined not to let her fiancé know what she was before. They have never had sexual relations, and she was worried about how he was going to receive her on their wedding night.

The episode did not show of her fiancé’s reaction when he was told of his fiancée’s condition (she was the victim in this episode, by the way). However, what struck a cord in me was not only this person’s story. The episode showed a lot of transsexuals who had problems going through life because society simply would not accept them as “normal”. They go through life, searching for love. When they finally find it, and when their partner cares not of their past, it is mankind who shuns them. What we see in CSI, of course, is fiction, but it also reflects the reality of what is in the world today.

In the article, it was quoted “regardless of how pretty a sex change makes a man, he will never have the ‘exclusive’ right to be a wife, what more a mother.” What do you reckon by ‘exclusive’ right? What maketh a wife and a mother? The XX chromosome? What about single fathers everywhere who have to be a father AND a mother to their children? Does that make them unfit to care for their children?

I am not homophobic, nor am I pro-gays and lesbians. However, this couple has come a long way, especially Chung. Just give them a chance at the happiness that they deserve.

Five More Days, People!

This was how I passed Math in SPM with flying colours.

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PS: By the way, I'm only blogging every day to count down the days I shall be home. I can't seem to get the Javascript for a countdown timer to work on this, so I had to do it manually.
And you thought I was such a constant blogger.

November 20, 2005

Birthday Wishes


"Happy Birthday" means much more
Than have a happy day.
Within these words lie lots of things
I never get to say
It means I love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.
It means you mean a lot to me,
And that I'm proud of you.
But most of all, I guess it means
That I am thinking of
Your happiness on this, you day,
With pleasure and with love.

Love, ME

Six More Days, People!

Thought of the day: I'm tired.

November 19, 2005

Seven More Days, People!

Went to Ueno with a couple of friends for the day. We did some shopping. The girls were adamant on buying Chinese products from home and that meant expensive imported goods. Imagine spending 500yen on a measly bottle of Malaysian soy sauce, which would only cost about RM3. Oh well, the things we do for a little reminder of home.

Almost got lost in Shinjuku Station. Again. Sigh, I swear that place is getting bigger by the minute. Either that, or there are just more and more Japanese and other foreigners who come from nowhere, flooding the place. It’s horrendous, I tell you.

Pretty much a tiring day. The train was jam-packed with people, and my poor friend had to stand all the way, because it was bloody difficult to get an empty seat. That’s close to 2 hours on her feet. Ouch! I was dead to the world when I got back to my apartment.

November 18, 2005

Eight More Days, People!

Mood of the moment – Bad. Very bad.

Is it so bad for me to WANT to be happy?

I had a pretty lousy day at work yesterday. To hold it out for another 8 days is becoming a major feat for me. Everyday I try very hard to find something to look forward to in order to endure another 24 hours. I can’t wait to go home to regain a sense of normalcy in my life, where I can ditch this pathetic, weepy, clingy, angry, schizophrenic, all-round bitch that I have become ever since I stepped foot in this country.

So I woke up this morning, determined to be optimistic, with new hopes that I shall be able to go through another day WITHOUT wanting to kill someone, without fears and without tears. The first hit of the day – I injured my thumb my accidentally slamming the door on it. It’s now bloody sore, with blood clots under my nail.

At the office, I’m challenged once again with the incompetence of those at home who do not do their jobs as told. Work is frustrating. The bundle of nerves, which I am constantly in, caused me to make a slip at the spur of the moment. Whiplash. I’m still waiting for it.

What’s that about Murphy’s Law, about anything that can go wrong will go wrong? Damn right it is. Well, bring it on. You hear me, world? I’m not afraid of you. How much more can you break me? That which does not kill me is going to wish it had because I’m so going to kick its sorry ass to kingdom come.

Sigh. I think I need therapy.

November 17, 2005

Nine More Days, People!

Had dinner with my Japanese trainer last night. We had Indian food, which was absolutely delicious. The menu was bilingual, which meant I did not have to depend on photographs to order my food (that’s the norm for me here anyways, since I can’t read Japanese). I’ve not had good Indian food in such a long time (the last time I had Indian food was in the UK). Too bad I didn’t take any photos of my food. I had a mild curry and tandoori chicken. Oh, and let’s not forget about the essential naan. Speaking of which, have you ever seen a foot-long naan? *wink*

November 16, 2005

I Need An Outlet

I’m feeling rather blah today, which means that I’m having a mixture of good and bad emotions swirling about in me, intertwining with each other, ready to burst anytime. I awoke from a horrible nightmare (it’d kill me if it came true) this morning. Work’s just as crappy. Somebody up there must not like me. One problem solved, another crops up without warning. There is no way I’m going to go home guilt-free if I do not finish everything in time. I wish I could scream “I GIVE UP! Solve your own damn problems”. Sigh.

In insisting NOT to extend my stay in Japan, I have already stepped on quite a lot of toes. Being the hopeless people-pleaser that I am, this is a rather strong step for me to stand my ground and not crumble when I was asked to stay a couple of weeks more in Japan. Only ONE can win in this situation. Call me selfish, but “mm hai lei sei, chao hai ngor mong” (in Cantonese, literally translated to “either you die, or I’ll be busy”). It’s non-stop PMS, affecting me, and those whom I care about very badly. For the sake of my sanity, to hell with you, but I’m going home.

It’s amazing how the mind works. Or how circumstances and the environment can reduce you to something that you never thought you could become. Never again shall I judge a person the whole world might deem unrighteous, because I could very well be that person one day.

I already am.

Ten More Days, People!

I’m finally going home, in exactly 10 days. Can’t wait, as I’m terribly homesick. I’ve had enough of Japan for now. Time to go home for some real food. Lots to do when I get back. First thing would be to embrace the Internet connection in my room once again, after being deprived of Internet access at home for so long. It’s amazing how I managed to survive that long without UNMONITORED Internet access (and no, that does not mean I’m into animal porn).

Methinks I’ll also revamp this site a bit. I’m pretty tired of the design. Think it looks bland (green is so last season). Perhaps I should just concentrate on a specific theme. Time to get what minimal creative juices I still have left flowing.

Stay tuned.

November 14, 2005

Of Apples, Waterfalls and Expensive Mushrooms

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The tree of good and evil (Kajitsutei Apple Farm)

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Adam's Apple

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Smell of lilacs

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Colours of Fall

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Falling Waters

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Autumn Leaves

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Matsutake Mushrooms at 4500 yen PER mushroom

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Okutone Winery & Vineyard

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"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. "

November 11, 2005

Love, Me

This song was first introduced to me when I was in the UK, by a dear friend (an old flame of hers used this song to woo her ;)). It never ceases to stir my senses everytime I hear it. Thanks, Mich!

I read a letter my grandma wrote
Back in 1923
Grandpa kept it in his coat
And he showed it once to me
He said, Boy you might not understand
But a long long time ago
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none
But I loved your grandma so
We had this crazy plan to meet
And run away together
Get married in the first town
We came to and live forever
But nailed to the tree
Where we were supposed to meet instead
I found this letter, and this is what it said ...

If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then,

Till I see you again,
I'll be loving you
Love, me

I read those words just hours
Before my grandma passed away
In a doorway of a church
Where me and grandpa stopped to pray
I know I've never seen him cry
In all my fifteen years
But as he said these words to her
His eyes filled up with tears

If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then,
Till I see you again,
I'll be loving you
Love, me

Between now and then
Till I see you again,
I'll be loving you,
Love, me

- Colin Raye

Click here to listen.

Bloody Workoholics

If there is one thing to be thankful for, for my time in Japan, it would be that it opened my eyes to see the way people here work. I thank my lucky stars every day that I do not live here, nor work here (permanently, that is), and that I shall be home soon.

These people are complete workaholics. They work till midnight, and still find the energy to come to work early the next morning. Hey, I would totally understand if there's a rush in the deadline of a project, or just that time of the year where one will be very busy with a heavy workload, thus having to stay at the office till the wee hours of the morning. This is not the case. This happens every day, every week, every month, every year. Of course, the income they receive in turn is a lot more lucrative than mine, but that does not mean that life begins at work, and ends at work.

When I was sick in Japan, I went to the company clinic to see the doctor for some medicine, and if I could have an MC to take a day off to rest at home because I was feeling really poorly. Imagine my surprise, and horror, so to speak, when I was told that there was no such thing as an MC given by the doctor. The policy is "if you are fit enough get off your ass to see the doctor, you are fit enough to work" (my words, not theirs. But close enough). My trainer told me to go home and rest. In Malaysia, with an MC, you can justify your day off work (to set the record straight, I have never misused the priviledge of MCs). In Japan, you're just taking a day off work. Period. And that's not good. I took a half-day off today for personal reasons, and I was ticked off for "playing hooky", even though I justified my reasons (never mind me rushing back, missed lunch, and started work immediately when the rest are off at lunch, of course) in advance.

I can't help it if I fall ill whilst in Japan, especially during the changing of seasons. I can't help it if I need a day to rest at home because of it, rather than to bust my brains and my health at work. I can't help it if I wish to go home early (when I say early, I mean leaving an hour and a half AFTER office hours are over) after a hard day's work of busting and over-saturating my brains the whole time, and yet speaking to almost no one. What is the point of staying on to work, when I simply cannot think anymore? Sure, I could stay on and surf the Internet at the office at the pretence of working hard till late hours, as many are prone in doing, but I chose to go home instead. Is that so wrong?

Having said all that, I'm sure you would think that I'm not cut out for work. Or lots of work for that matter till I have to practically live at the office. Or that I have to work even though I'm sick. You're right. I'm not. I am a responsible person, and if there's a need for it, I accommodate to my best. If the work needs to be done, I plan my time to get it done to meet the deadline. Sometimes that would mean that I stay back a little later to get it done. Sometimes that is not even necessary. It does not mean I'm not interested in my work. Either way, as long as I get the job done on time, get off my back. I earn my keep, you earn yours. Just don't expect me to be like you.

November 10, 2005

Birthday Bea

Another birthday shout-out of the month, and this time, it's to my cousin Bea.

Courtesy of

Here's wishing you a very happy birthday, cuz.

November 03, 2005

Long Weekend

Hurray for the long weekend. I have no idea why tomorrow's an off day, but I sure as heck am not complaining. God knows I need a break. I'll be going to Harajuku with a Japanese friend tomorrow to watch the Cirque du Soleil's Allegria. The show had better be good since I paid 9000 yen for my ticket (excluding the train fare to Tokyo). Still, I'm looking forward to a break in the routine.

Have a good weekend.

October 31, 2005

Birthday Boys

Here's a birthday shout-out to my boys, Ah Boy and Albert.

Courtesy of

Happy birthday, guys. Many happy returns.

Help, I’m A Junkie!

The weekend had been rather abysmal. Didn’t go to Tokyo. Pretty much hung out at the shopping malls of Takasaki. Takashimaya and HMV must love me by now. Ever since I discovered the foreign magazines section of HMV, its business must be blooming since I buy one almost every week. The Japanese don’t normally buy their magazines, which is odd, because there are huge sections of bookstores dedicated to Japanese magazines alone. They prefer to pick them up, and read them (and it’s not just a 10-second flip-and-go; some of them stay there for ages, reading without buying) and leave. What’s amazing is that the sales clerks do not shoo them off. I can’t imagine doing that at home without the salesperson shooting me dirty looks. Anyway, I believe I’ve gone back to the days when I was a total magazine junkie in the UK. And to think I’ve left those days behind. Hello Cosmo.

Denial. Not a good thing.

So the weekend had pretty much also been a makeup-shopping bonanza. Although I have to say, it WAS rather hellish trying to buy concealer from the salesperson at
Estee Lauder, who couldn’t speak a word of English. Still, it was a good experience to see how cosmetics are sold here (department store-type of cosmetics, not the ones sold at drugstores). I was able to take my time and try out EVERY single piece of makeup at the counter, and the salesperson would still be beaming at me. And after I was done, with the back of my palms full of makeup, I was offered tissues AND a hot towel to clean it off. I was also given free samples without my having to ask for one. At home, I’d probably be lucky if I was even offered a tissue.

This place has seriously turned me into such a vain pot. Pre-Japan, I couldn’t even be bothered to slather anything more than moisturiser on my face before I head out. Post-Japan, I cannot imagine leaving the house without the full-on goo. I now have a proper makeup bag, with slots for brushes and stuff, together with my cosmetics. I have pots, tubs, jars and bottles of goo. Tsk tsk tsk.

Hello, I’m Tine (“hello Tine!”). I’m a mag-aholic AND a makeup-aholic.

PS: I’m also a bag-junkie, but let’s leave that for another day.

October 26, 2005

Buzz! Pfft!

I was blog-surfin’, and I stumbled upon this. As one of the similar profession, I just have to share it with those who are too.

An Engineer’s Love Poem

I was alone and all was dark,
Beneath me and above
My life was full of volts and amps
But not the spark of love.

But now that you are here with me
My heart is overjoyed,
You turn the square of my heart,
Into a sinusoid.

You load things from my memory,
Onto my systems bus.
My life was once assembly code,
Now its C++.

I love the way you solder things,
My circuits you can fix.
The voltage across your diode is,
Much more than just point six.

With your amps and resistors,
You have built my integrator.
I cannot survive without you,
You are my function generator.

You have charged my life,
Increased my gain and made my maths discrete.
And now I'll end my poem,
Control, Alt, and Delete
Somehow, this just doesn't do it for me.

Internet Heroes

Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee and Jeff Bezos, I managed to get the first and fourth season DVDs of Coupling (I bought it from Amazon UK; it was a lot cheaper than Amazon Japan, including p+p). The package arrived yesterday while I was at work. I was actually having a bit of a bad day at work yesterday, but all moodiness and feelings of wanting-to-kill-the-world vanished in an instant when I saw the lovely, brown Amazon box lying on top of my shoe cabinet, waiting for me. I spent the entire night in tears of laughter. Not a bad pick-me-up, eh?

I also ordered My Family and Smack The Pony from Amazon. Ooooh, it's going to be fun watching all the British comedies I sorely missed.

Protect Your Equipment

There's been a lot of hoo-hah going on about the new iPod Nano, and about how it's flimsy and it's screen is scratched excessively during normal usage. Apparently, the Nano's defectiveness is on the film of the plastic resin that covers it to protect it from damage. Previous versions of the iPod were coated with thicker and stronger resin.

Lawsuit claims iPod Nano scratches easily

Now, being an owner of an iPod Mini and an iPod Nano, I do admit that the Nano is a lot flimsier than the other versions of iPods, but that does not mean that I'm going to allow it to be damaged that easily either. The iPod Nano was built for versatility and mobility, which means you can carry it around on your front and back pockets of your jeans without the unsightly bulge. I know it's small, but it would definitely be a good idea if you REMEMBER to take it out of your back pocket when you're sitting down. Also, be sensible - do not put your Nano and keys in the same pocket. Due to the way the Nano is made, you cannot avoid leaving fingerprints nor scratches on the metal back, but there are ways to prevent scratches on the screen.

Friends would tell you that I have a case/pouch/bag/sack/etc for simply everything - I have a pouch for my mobile phone, MP3 players (I actually have three MP3 players, but two were gifts, so there), PDA, electronic dictionary, etc. I even have protective bags for my bags, for goodness' sake (okay, that's probably not such a good thing to reveal to the world, but hey, they're very important, okay? I value my bags!). My point is, if you're going to splash thousands of ringgit on something, then have the right mind to protect it. I'm not saying that you have to spend a lot of money to buy extra protective accessories for your electronic items. My iPod Mini's leather case cost me over RM100, but the case for my Nano and mobile phone cost me RM5. A dear friend gave me an expensive PDA metal case once, and once that was worn out, I used a RM10 case on it. Invest on protective screens for your digital camera, iPods, PDAs, etc. They may be expensive at first glance, but believe me, the scratches you get on them instead of your electronic items will save you a LOT of heartache.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to scour the Internet for a cool case for my Nano ;)

October 24, 2005


Today, I stumbled upon a blog which I've been occasionally reading. I was dumbstruck for a moment, because this person's latest entry struck a nerve in me. For privacy reasons, I shall not link this her blog to mine. It's confounding to know that she's going through the same thing that I am, in many ways.

I shall not divulge the intimate details of what she went through, nor mine, but suffice to say, we're both pretty much on the same boat, spiritually, I mean. Now, I normally do not leave comments on blogs of people whom I don't know, but for the first time, I left a note on her blog, shared a little, and wished her all the best.

Now I know the liberating feeling of sharing your intimate secrets (not in full detail, of course) with a complete stranger, just like you do with your shrink. At least, I do not have to pay $150 per hour for this.

October 20, 2005

Condolences To The PM

Just a short note to convey my heartfelt condolences to our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his family in the passing of his wife, Datin Seri Endon Mahmood.

About the rumours of a public holiday on October 24, I sincerely hope that it does not come to pass as I believe the nation will just make a mockery of the day (they already have by making a big deal out of the rumoured holiday, more than the sad news). This has nothing to do with the fact that I'm here in Japan. I'm all for taking a day off from work, as a day to relax, but not in the expense of "oooh, the PM's wife died. Got holiday ah? Got holiday ah?"

Just my two cents.


The Japanese archipelago is located in an area where several continental and oceanic plates meet, which is the cause for frequent earthquakes. However, in the 8 months that I've been in Japan, I have NEVER felt so much as a tremor. My colleagues have felt it so many times, it was no longer a big deal. I was oblivious to any shakes or tremors. Either I sleep through it, or ... heck, I just don't feel it. When the earthquake that hit Aceh in December 26, 2004, the aftershocks could be felt all the way in Penang. My friends told me about the buildings shaking, etc. I felt absolutely nothing.

Imagine my delight (?) when I felt my first tremors yesterday. I was playing Age of Mythology (yeah, I know, old game) on my notebook yesterday, with my back leaned against the wall, when I felt the entire building shaking. It lasted for almost 10 seconds before the tremors stopped. I was actually more excited than scared. How freaky is that?

Checked out the news this morning, and read this: M6.2 quake hits Kanto, Tohoku.

Aaaah. I wonder when I'll feel it again.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Oddball ;)

Hey, It's OK ...

… to still care about the state of your pedicure, even if the only person to see it this time of year is you.

… to believe only the thin mirrors.

… if you don’t come from one of those enviably close families. You have a lifetime to build your own.

… if dirty talk kind of skeeves you out.

… if parallel parking remains a challenge. That’s why God created bumpers.

… to dump a perfectly nice guy. So what if he’s kind, responsible and his ancestors all had full heads of hair? That doesn’t make him right for you.

… to get seriously annoyed when someone tells you to smile. (What are you, a doll?)

… to only really feel thankful once the whole Thanksgiving hoo-hah is over.

- Taken from Glamour, US (Nov '05)

October 19, 2005

Mind Yer English

This reminds me of some people whom I know cannot help but mis-pronounce their words and phrases. I do admit I'm guilty on some level too.

100 Most Often Mispronounced Words and Phrases in English

"Thats mean ..."*, anyone? ;)

* What he was trying to say was "That means ... "

October 18, 2005

Low, Very Low

I hate my job.
I hate myself for being such a wuss and agreeing to stay back to do something I know shit about.
I hate being here alone.
I hate going back to an empty apartment.
I hate feeling sorry for myself.

I just want to go home and scream into my pillow.
No, scratch that, I just want to go home.

Persecution of the Wrong Pooch

This is just sick to the eyes.

RM100 fine for dog abuse

The idiot neglected his pooch to be infested with ticks, did not give the dog any medical attention, and when vets could not save it, the poor mutt had to be put to sleep. And for that, the owner just had to pay RM100 for getting on with his life whilst the dog had to pay with his life.

Now I'm not much of a dog fan. Sure, I coo at cute puppies (come on, wouldn't you?) and I pat the occasional dog, but most of the time, I'd prefer if they keep their wet tongues away from me, that they poop in the right places, all that jazz. That's why my dog isn't too keen on me, but then again, he and I had an agreement with each other. I feed him at the right time, with the right food (and no dog biscuit crap either - it's GOT to be fatty meat), and he doesn't lick me. Period.

But to neglect your dog to such poor conditions, now that's a crime. You know what the biggest crime committed here is? It's that the idiot was only slapped on the wrist with a measly fine of RM100. It's inhumane, I tell you. If tables were turned, e.g. the dog bites the owner in the ass, would the dog be given a light punishment? Nope, he'd be put to sleep too.

I'm not saying that dogs and humans are equal, but justice has to be served. And a RM100 fine for such a heinous crime is just plain insulting.

May the poor pooch rest in peace.

Cheap Service

What the hell is the world coming to these days?

School gardener paid girl RM1 for oral sex

So apparently, you thought you could get serviced for a meagre sum of RM1. It's the good thing the girl reported the gardener's sorry ass to the authorities. Perhaps this time, he'll get to service his fellow inmates for RM1.


October 17, 2005

Office Dos and Don'ts

There are just a few things you just don't do at the office:
  1. Listen to classical music in the afternoon, right after lunch (unless you want to show your boss the best way to give you the boot for sleeping on the job, listen to Black Eyed Peas* or something).
  2. Read funny blogs - not such a good idea when you're biting your lips and tongue till blood spew out of your mouth to control your laughter, and your colleague sitting opposite you starts to think that you're possessed, and speed-dials his psychic (I think the dude sitting opposite me is contemplating that `cos he kept giving me weird looks. Either that, or both his eyes are lazy).
  3. Chat with the clerks in the restroom during their "breaks" - ladies, it's the TOILET. It's where you do numbers 1 and 2. There are perfectly good chairs by the vending machines. How about you do bitching about over there, and let me use the loo.

But then again, this you can do at the office:

  1. Read funny blogs - those circuit simulations take ages, see? That dude had better get used to the blood frothing at my mouth.
  2. Coffee, coffee, coffee - man, the afternoons can just drag on ...
  3. Take frequent walks - hours of sitting at your desk and staring at the monitor just isn't healthy. The company doesn't want you to end up suing them now, do they? Just make sure you carry a folder or a book (work-related, please), in case you bump into the boss-man, and you can say "Oh, I was actually looking for you. Do you know ...[add technical mumbo jumbo here] ... ?" Chances are, he'll give you a blank look, and then ask you to check with your colleagues (Ker-ching! Breaktime! Bring out the snacks!).

I have a lot more to share*, but let's save that for another day. I just realised that none of these have anything to do with actual work, but hey, let him/her/other who's without sin cast the first stone.

* I don't actually listen to Black Eyed Peas; it was the first thing that popped my mind.

** I shall not be held liable if any of these renders one jobless. Me included.

Reluctant Daughter

My song of the day:

Jesus, tell my Father
I want to be His child again
Tell Him what my name is
In case He's forgotten

Tell Him I'm the woman
At the well
Drawing water
And I'm sorry if I've been His
Reluctant daughter

Jesus, tell my angels
To keep me in their prayers
Remind them how I need
To feel them everywhere

Tell 'em I'm ready to drink
Living water
I don't want my angels to think
I'm His
Reluctant daughter

Jesus, tell my Father
I want to come to heaven
Tell Him to shout my name out

So I won't be forgotten

- Martina McBride,

Click here to listen.

October 16, 2005


Now, there's your misers and skinflints. And there's just plain cheap-as-hell.

Blood Suckers

Japan is the land of the plentiful. They have Fuji apples the size of small melons. Grapes the size of rambutans. Etc, etc. 

And most of all, they have humongous mosquitoes. How would I know? Well, I had the misfortune of being bitten by huge mosquitoes all night. I had mosquitoes making their sweet music by my ears. And I now have welts the size of 1-yen coins as souvenirs on my legs and arms. If I was back in Malaysia now, I’d probably be dead from dengue.

Damn you, Japanese mozzies, to HADES!

On the lighter side, I did manage to squash one this morning. That’s retribution for you, you blood suckers!!

October 14, 2005

All The McD Goodness

Following up with my Super Size Me post, McDonald's in Japan is coming up with its own version of shrimp burger. Well, it's about time too, since Japanese fast-food chain, Lotteria, already has their shrimp burgers selling like hotcakes. Apparently, McDonald's Japan is also testing other additions, such as chicken salad and yogurt.

Well, I'm glad to say that McDonald's Malaysia isn't doing too bad with its own local tastes. Where else can you find McBubur (questionable taste though) and the famous Prosperity Burger (I can't believe this stupid burger is seasonal; it's so good!)?

I wonder when they'll start making McNasiLemak, McRendang, McKoayTeow ...

Nobody Loves Me Like You Do

My song of the day:

In the morning
In the evening
Anytime at all
I'll be ready, baby when you call

In the darkness
I'll be waiting
With nothing but a smile
You got me crazy
I just want what's mine

I don't need another love song
You're the only thing that turns me on

Nobody loves me like you do
Nobody understands, everything I am
Nobody else could ever take your place
You're all that I want
I'm in heaven now
Nobody loves me like you do

Don't be tired
Don't be late now
Don't forget your key
I'll be right where you should be

Don't you know you're taking too long
You're the only thing that turns me on

Nobody loves me like you do ...

You got something that's so true
I need your loving like a heartbeat
You're my everything cause I believe

Nobody love me like you do ...

- Bellefire, Spin The Wheel

Click here to listen.

PS: By the way, I think Bellefire's version of "You Were Meant For Me" is better than Jewel's, but I'll leave that for another time.

Grrrr, And Not In A Good Way

I am feeling absolutely wretched today. I have two collosal pimples on my face, which no amount of makeup can conceal, a canker sore at the back of my mouth, which I cannot reach with salt and to top that off, my colleagues are returning to Malaysia today, which leaves me alone in Takasaki. Not that I ever needed their company, which I never had; yet, it was at least a little comforting to know that the person sitting next to you in a foreign office is someone you know from home. Get the drift?

As if things cannot get any worse, I'm having problems with my work which did not appear when my colleague was doing the same thing. And now that he's about to leave, and hand it over to me, the problems crop up. What gives??

Argh. Shoot me. Just shoot me now.

October 13, 2005

Meat Bone Tea

So like, right now, I have, like, a major craving for, like, bak kut teh.
Y'know, like, the oily soup, the greasy "yau char kuai", gross pig entrails, and stuff. I am sooo going to, like, cook that this weekend.


Yeah, whatever.

October 12, 2005

Super Size Me

I recently had a very interesting discussion with a colleague, about the rising problems of obesity in the US. What with the movie, Super Size Me, a lot of hoo-hah boils down to one factor: fast food consumption. Anyway, just a summary of Super Size Me:

Why are Americans so fat? Two words: fast food. What would happen if you ate nothing but fast food for an entire month? Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock does just that and embarks on the most perilous journey of his life. The rules? For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must wolf three squares a day; he must consume everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. Spurlock treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and an equal number of regular folk while chowing down at the Golden Arches. Spurlock's grueling drive-through diet spirals him into a physical and emotional metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac.

All this reminded me of a conversation I had with a Japanese friend not too long ago. She told me that the Japanese government (some kind of ministry) has decided to raise the height of the loop thingies (for the love of me, I have no idea what they are called) you hold on to in trains. Apparently it was due to the reason that the current generation, and the upcoming generation of kids are growing to be taller and bigger-sized than the average Japanese a few years ago, no thanks to the growing number of fast food chains in Japan. Now, my friend is rather ... err ... vertically-challenged, thus you can imagine her chagrin when she heard of the news.

This brings to mind a thought - even the Japanese are growing in size (they are stereotyped to be rather small in size ... well, most of them anyway), apparently due to fast food consumption. It's a well-known cliché that the Japanese are rather small in size. Not anymore.

However, my colleague did bring up an interesting point - we Malaysians consume fatty foods too, such as the much coveted nasi lemak, roti canai, char koay teow, etc. Look at the amount of grease which is in these foods, and I'm sure it will send health freaks running the other way. Have you ever tried patting a piece of roti canai with a paper towel? I have, and I had to use a few pieces just to soak the oil up (note that I am NOT a health freak; it was just a "health" experiment ... before I devoured the roti canai, that is).

Malaysia is well known for the vast variety of good food. In general, with that fact in mind, most Malaysians are not health freaks. I mean, hey, we like our nasi lemaks and teh tariks in the mornings, nasi kandars in the afternoon, and char koay teows in the evening just fine. Having said that, with the amount of fat consumed, why do Malaysians not have an obesity problem?

Let's return to the movie Super Size Me for comparison. Spurlock had to consume only McDonald's fast food for a month, and he was to SUPERSIZE his meal if asked. Have you ever been to an American restaurant? Have you seen the portions of food served in an American restaurant? They are HUGE. There is no way I could finish my meals in American restaurants. It's baffling how most Americans can.

This brings me to the point - it's not just the TYPE of food consumed which caused the obesity problems; it is the PORTION. It's the amount of food consumed, which causes us to blow up like a balloon. If I were to eat super-sized portions of curry mee, rendang, etc. for a month, believe me, I would look worse than Kirstie Alley post-Look Who's Talking.

Yet, I would not conclude that it is a good thing that Malaysians are spared of obesity problems, and that is all. Yes, we do not have obesity issues, but the high number of Malaysians with heart problems, diabetes, etc is worrisome. Thus, we may be consuming a regular amount of food, but the types of food we chow down are rich in saturated fats. How many of us do not have at least one family member with high cholesterol problems? Not many, I can tell. My father has very high levels of cholesterol as well, and had to take medication to curb it.

It is all about a healthy balance of the type of food AND the amount of food we consume. I believe that we can still have our delicious, pretty unhealthy Malaysian food, but in a moderate amount. Pair that with regular exercise; we should be able to curb all these health problems. Still, it would be interesting there was a Malaysian-style Super Size Me. Then we shall see which foods are really the killer here.

Having said all that, methinks I'll have a full-on-grease nasi goreng tomyam for dinner tonight. Eat, drink and be merry. Tomorrow, I shall diet.

PS: No one was forced to eat huge portions of food in the writing of this blog *munching on Doritos*

October 11, 2005


A couple of days ago, a Japanese friend introduced the music video to the song 桜色舞うころ by Mika Nakashima. Now, I normally do not give two hoots about music videos, especially J-pop ones, as I admittedly stereotype them to be candy pop music with cutesy female singers shaking their tootsies, exaggerating their emotions on the video whilst singing belting their thing. I mean, how many videos have you seen where the singer actually cries? Not many, I can tell. There's this one, 大好きだよ by Otsuka Ai, where she held her on-screen lover's hand whilst he slept, and wept her love to him. Initially, I thought he died or something for her to cry like that in the video. Get real. Geez. Hey, I'm all for the song (it's quite tuneful), but I draw the line at the soppy video.
Anyway, I digress. The Mika Nakashima video was introduced to me during a karaoke session in Shinjuku during the weekend. My friend told me about the video before, and how sad it was, that it made her cry after watching it. I have to say, I was entirely skeptical, amused even, at her confession. Heck, it was just a music video. How bad can it be?

The video featured Nakashima in a long, white, flowing dress, on the piano. Surprisingly, you do not see much of her in this video, as the storyline was based on Playdoh-like characters (very retro, actually). The video started with two children, a boy and a girl, playing around a tall, sakura (cherry blossom) tree. They were best friends, and were always together, playing by the sakura tree. Time passes by, and these two children grew up to be teenagers. They fell in love, and spent most of their time under the sakura tree, talking about their lives, planning a future together. Suddenly, the time came when the girl had to leave home (I'm not sure where to, and what for). They bade their sad farewells to each other, promising that they would meet again, under the sakura tree. The girl's father finally pried her away from the boy, and drove off, leaving the boy under the sakura tree.

The years went by. The boy grew up to be a handsome man. He waited everyday under the sakura
tree, hoping that his love would return to him. He waited everyday, and as time went by, everything around him changed. The old village he grew up in slowly became a city, with old buildings torn down, and replaced with skyscrapers. Everything changed, but his love for his sweetheart remained, and so did the sakura tree. He waited by the tree everyday, until there came a time when construction workers came to chop the tree down. He threw himself in front of the tree in protest. It worked, and the tree remained.

The boy we once knew was now an old man. He walked to the old sakura tree, back bent, with a walking stick. He never gave up waiting for his love to return to him. His sweetheart finally appeared in front of him, but as a teenaged girl. She smiled at him, and he walked towards her, becoming the young man himself. Sakura fell upon them, as the young lovers walked hand-in-hand.

Needless to say, in the midst of the noisy karaoke singers, I had tears in my eyes when the video was over.












Click here to listen.

October 06, 2005

Long Weekend (And A New Phone!)

My first post after being MIA for a while. I'm back in Japan, and things are going okay. So far, that is. The weather on my first week here was rather crazy; it was cold one day, and blazing hot the next. Didn't go too well by me; I fell ill on the first week. Came down with the flu, and bad stomachache. Geez.

Oh, I did manage to get myself a new toy though. Bought a new mobilephone here. It's a Vodafone V401D by Mitsubishi, and it's got to be the fanciest phone I have ever used. Ironically, it was also the cheapest phone I have ever bought (10290 yen). It was rather odd that I had to buy the phone at a convenience store. Vodafone outlets only sell the el-cheapo prepaid mobile phones, but not the fancypants ones. Only convenience stores stock the good prepaid phones. If only our 7-Elevens and D-Limas sell such items, huh? ;)

This weekend is going to be a long one. I'm off work this Friday, and next Monday (whoopee!). Will be heading down to Tokyo with a couple of Japanese friends. Gonna paint the town red!


September 27, 2005

September 23, 2005

A to Z

A is for age: 25
B is for Booze: Long Island Iced Tea - so stiff, so good.
C is for career: Design engineer
D is for Dad's name: Mike
E is for essential items to bring to a party: facial wipes, oil blotters, lipstick, breath mints, mobilephone
F is for favorite song at the moment: Before Your Love by Kelly Clarkson
G is for garments you like to wear: Do bags count as garments (I'm such a bag junkie)? If not, me old faded, ripped-at-the-bottom jeans
H is for hometown: Penang
I is for instruments you play: Piano
J is for jam or jelly you like: Kaya
K is for kids: I'd like 2 (a boy and a girl)
L is for living arrangements: Living with my parents in Malaysia, on my own in a very kick-ass apartment in Japan
M is for mom's name: Ling
N is for names of your best friends: Too many close friends to mention (in the UK and in Penang).
O is for overnight stays in the emergency room: When I was born (can't remember the rest)
P is for phobia(s): Cockroaches, falling down the stairs
Q is for quote you like: "That which does not kill me are going to wish they did because I'm going to kick their sorry ass to kingdom come".
R is for relationship that lasted the longest? 5.5 years
S is for siblings: One brother
T is for things to do before you die: Travel to Europe (Paris is a must. I don't know why).
U is for unique trait: I can twitch my ears using my facial muscles; people think I can sing (again, I don't know why).
V is for vacations: I've been to the US, UK, China, Japan, Thailand and Singapore.
W is for worries: That my loved ones would give up on me.
X is for x-rays : Orthodontia, chest.
Y is for yummy food you make: I make a mean spaghetti sauce.
Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini