November 02, 2008

My New Baby

This came as an early Christmas present. When I first heard about it from Edrei, it was a week after I bought the iPod Touch. And I wanted it real bad. Everytime I was at JB Hifi, I scrambled to the computers section and would drool over it. Still, I persevered and waited for newer editions to be launched.

When the one with the 10" screen came out, I was in love. And thanks to one of Catch of the Day's great bargains, I managed to snag it at a very good price.

Behold, my new baby, the Asus EEE PC 1000HD.

Asus EEE PC 1000 HD

It's so light; at less than 1.5kg, it's a huge difference from my brick of an Acer. Granted the keyboard is going to take a lot of getting used to, what with my sausage fingers. Typing out this post on it sure took a while. It doesn't have an optical drive, but really, who uses one these days?

Asus EEE PC 1000 HD and Acer TravelMate 4002WLCi

The only gripe I have about it is that it seems to have a tough time connection to the wireless network in the house. It takes a long time to connect, and as it does, it's eating up the battery. Does anyone who has an EEE PC have the same problem too? I mean, it's supposed to be a netbook with good WIFI capabilities, but at the moment, I'm just not seeing it.

Other than that, I absolutely love it. It's going to be so nifty bringing this with me when I'm traveling (I know, I know, I hardly travel these days, but that's neither here nor there).

I would sleep with it if I can. I'm serious.

Tim's so not amused :p


Anonymous said...

10" and I'm sure a truckload of memory more than my 7" 4G EeePC pioneer baby :) Good buy good buy! Is it running on XP? I'm still on Linux but not complaining. I don't really have a problem connecting to the wireless internet at home, but finding a network to connect to outside can sometimes be a problem - takes a while. I also sometimes find the keypad a tad insensitive. But size, weight and portability outweighs all!

Anonymous said...

Dunno why but I find it easier to connect with Linux than XP.

Anonymous said...

Hee hee,

you're right, i should go and take a pic of my dell + acer as a comparison :)

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

Wow........niiiiiiccccccee =D

Kamigoroshi said...

Nope, I never had a problem connecting on my EeePC. I'm using Linux though and since Linux has better networking capabilities than Windows, it makes sense.

I sleep with my EeePC too. Then again. I sleep with cold hard machines. They get jealous when I sleep with a warm human body. :P

Anonymous said...

It looks like a MacBook and I'm not a fan of the EeePC but hey, preference is a subjective matter.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, you too! That looks like a real looker!