March 03, 2009

To Migrate Or Not To Migrate?

I've been contemplating for a long time on whether to migrate this blog to Wordpress. In fact, I'm still on a limbo here. It would be good to finally move on to another platform which I know will be better, but I've had this template for years now, and I can't seem to let it go.

Decisions, decisions.

On a unrelated postscript, I have to stop reading mummy blogs. It's making me broody, which I shouldn't be at the moment. Gah.


Anonymous said...

Personally I find using WP easier than blogger. I'm sure you can find a similar template in Wordpress (Try the default Kubrick and modify from there) it seems to have a similar layout. p/s lovely new header :)

Shuo said...

Your maternal instincts firing up when reading mummy blogs?

beetrice said...

teeheehee...just waiting for the big announcement (whenever that may be!!) wheeeeee...

Anonymous said...

Wah. I was just thinking of the exact same thing. Sort of. Opposite. Am I making sense?

You know that Target ad with all the babies walking into Target? I EFFING hate it. So bloody annoying.

Slap me with this comment whenever if or ever I have kids. I'llprobably think they're stupid because, kids, babies, how smart can they be? :P

Wei, today super foul and bitchy la. How? :P

littleComma said...

*ouch* that hurts so much Tine. :P

zewt said...

stay in blogspot.

Anonymous said...

I think you should. I think it's better than Blogger but then again; preferences differ.


the Constantly Dramatic One said...

Bunny in your header!! Wooo!!

Anonymous said...

You got to ask yourself why you want to migrate in the first place. If there is no compelling reason, then don't. Your blog looks good enough right now :D