May 07, 2008

I Don't Cuss Enough?

Man, how G-rated's my blog?

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?
Created by OnePlusYou

For the record, I cuss more in real life. Shh, don't tell my mother.

What's yours?

PS: Constant Drama, you so have to do this ;)


Anonymous said...

LOW 0.5% :P

beetrice said...

I'm pathetic....1.9%?!?!

(I think there's something wrong wtih it!!)...LMAO...

L B said...

It's lying!! There's no way I am cussing at 6.6% at my BLOG!!!! LOL..

Trinity said...

and me? 0.3% hahaha

Anonymous said...

I got 1%.


the Constantly Dramatic One said...

I'm on it!!