October 16, 2005


Now, there's your misers and skinflints. And there's just plain cheap-as-hell.


beetrice said...

ahahahhaa.....*snorts and rolls on floor laughing*

the irony? i actually know a LOT of guys who'd go for that option...eeps..only they'd call it "good economic sense" and "practicality" ;p

someone needs to abduct them for training on the art of treating a lady PROPERLY...keke...

Kim said...

If I get a card like that... oh man this guy is a cheapskate himeself! :D

Tine said...

I wonder how the men would feel if we give them a Tesco Value Valentine card? Heck it probably won't even make a difference.

beetrice said...

sadly.....probably not.

Kim said...

I don't think they would even bother...except for the emotional ones :P