August 12, 2005

All Things British

It's a slow and quiet afternoon. Thought I'd post something lest lethargy hits me in full swing and I fall asleep on my desk. By the way, NEVER listen to classical music in the afternoon. It's a surefire method to send you off to dreamland (not too good if your boss is around, eh?).

It's been a rather quiet week for me, both at work and home. No plans for the weekend either. It'll probably be another lazy weekend for me. A couch potato, perhaps? I have run out of shows to watch though. Sigh.

I've been scouring the shops to find good British comedies or sitcoms, but to no avail. Sadly, people are just soaked in too much American culture to appreciate the dry humour and satire of the British. You like the sitcom FRIENDS? Try
Coupling. I watched an episode on the plane from Japan bound for home. Let's just say, the person who sat next to me wasn't at all pleased at my shaking with mirth, trying hard not to laugh out loud. Another sitcom to recommend would be My Family, which will make you fall off your seat laughing (I sure did!). And who could forget Black Adder? Simply hilarious!

Anyone out there who has any of these, who can graciously lend me shall be properly rewarded.

TGIF, people.

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