June 12, 2006

My First Football Game (And It Was Crap)

Surely those of you who know me, know that I do NOT like football. To risk being smacked upside down by my footie-crazy fans, I just don't get the game. The last time I played the game was in the UK, and we girls were just being invited to play because there just weren't enough people (also not forgetting the time I kicked the ball to my friend's face when she was a goalie during P.E back in secondary school, but that's another story). Anyways, suffice to say, I don't like the game.

So anyways, I decided to watch my very FIRST football match on Saturday, which was the England vs. Paraguay match. Hey, join the herd, right? I missed the first 10 minutes of the game because I just can't seem to figure Astro out (yeah, it's sad, but I haven't watched anything on Astro for almost a year now). And during that time, England decided to score. Well, it was an own-goal thing, but yeah, I missed it. So I figured, England's sure to whoop those Paraguay-ian's (is that what you call it? Oh what the heck) arses, right?

Two hours, and only one measly goal.

It turned out to be the most boring match I have ever had to spend two bloody hours on. Thank goodness Michael Owen was an eye candy or else I'll probably switch the telly off. Beckham? Oh, so last season, my dah-links! *grin*

Anyways, the Australia vs. Japan match starts in 45 minutes. I'm still contemplating on whether to waste another 2 hours on it. Hmm ...


beetrice said...

haha..Australia vs Japan was a real doozy...was eating dinner out - Japan was leading 1-0...and somewhere along the way, when I reached home, Australia already won 3-1..like what the???

Dammit..I still have yet to see an actual goal scored...they always seem to happen when I'm not around..grr...

Tine said...

Oh you missed a good game, girl. Australia scored 3 goals at the last 10 minutes of the game. It was fantastic! :p

Anonymous said...

whose face did you kick in? I don't remember it!

Tine said...

It was Wans' :p

I can't remember which year we were in, but we were playing footie once, and she was the goalie. I almost broke her glasses, and she had a huge red mark at the side of her face almost the whole day. I felt terrible!!