December 04, 2008


The thing with the Internet is that with the power of anonymity, even the quietest mouse has suddenly developed the biggest voice.

The trouble is learning how to channel that voice to a greater good.

And not just be a tin kosong. (empty can)


Kamigoroshi said...

What about a full can?


zewt said...


Anonymous said...

too much Zen and comtemplation...

too chim for simple guy like me..

apa u cakap?

Anonymous said...

You know you gotta SHOUT! :)

millymin said...

Hi there! The next Penang's Bloggers' Meet will be hitting the town again. It will be on next Sunday, 14th December 2008, 12pm at Paradise Hotel. For more info about the event, do log in to now! =D

Hope to see you there!~