In five days, 2007 will come to a close, and on to a new year. Golly, where has the time gone? I'm not one who makes New Year resolutions because I break them. I'd tell myself I'd do this, and I'd do that, and come the end of the year, I'd be "shucks, oh well, next year then".
2007 was a whirlwind of a year for me. Things were happening so fast before I draw in a breath and say woah. Highlights of my year:
- I got engaged (no fancy-schmancy proposal, but I was still happier than a bunny on crack).
- Went to Melbourne, and celebrated my birthday with Tim for the first time. I know I didn't blog about that trip (sorry babes, I know you were so looking forward to reading it, but I just didn't get around to finishing it. I still have the draft, you know :p), but that was the very first time he wrote me a song, and sang to me on my birthday.
- I planned a wedding. Very stressful period for me; it still is, but I simply can't wait to see everything fall into place when the day of the wedding comes.
- I got married. Well, technically, Tim and I registered our marriage. The wedding's yet to come.
- I have a 2-year provisional visa to Australia (seriously, if anyone was to ask me before if I would ever migrate to Australia, I would have flatly said no. I wanted to return to the UK, y'see).
- I threw in the towel and resigned from my job to move to Melbourne.
That's my 2007. Lots of laughter, lots of tears. Lots of OMG-get-the-hell-outta-my-face-you-turd moments. Lots of new lines on my face (*gulp*). Lots of love. Mostly, it gave me lots of hope for the coming year.
So here's to you, 2007. It's been a great year, and I wouldn't change any of it for the world. And to 2008, here's to a new chapter in life, in a new place.